Susanna Dobos
5Rhythms Teacher since 2010
Tribe Member since 2003
I had a happy childhood, though it was not easy to witness the violence on so many levels in my homeland, Hungary. I felt loved by my family, my life was all I knew. When we crossed the border to Austria as refugees, 200 km away from my birthplace, I saw a completely different world which I was forced to enter. I was 11. I ate pizza for the first time in my life in the “western world” and I felt betrayed - I felt the lack of not having and being enough. I developed shame for coming from a “communistic country”. I lost my roots. And then I met pride and rage, they became my best friends for a long time.
I was 19, unhappy and life 'sucked'. After a massive accident I found myself with a broken knee and a near-death-experience. I was extremely fortunate the surgeon did not amputate my leg. Here I was again - in rage. I practically had to re-learn how to walk, how to move. For years.
I became a social worker, an astrologer, a childless mother, a lifelong seeker. How to heal anger? Shame? How to forgive the past?
When I found the 5rhythms, for the first time I felt whole, vibrant and juicy again after the dance. I was deeply moved. I felt ok as I was. There was nothing wrong with me. I immediately knew that this is my medicine. If this touches me into my core then it surely touches other people, too. I fell in love with life again. Through the perfectly designed 5rhythms map I learnt to be in my body, to meet my shadows, to navigate with my heart - today I am full of gratitude.
I live and teach in Switzerland, and also internationally. Life is magical. Maybe you can’t have it all, but you can always choose to love what you have. I live a simple life. I accepted the circumstances life offered me. I love Mother Earth. I love to create and hold space, open a threshold for others to enter into the magic of their own inner worlds. This year I completed the Heartbeat Training and now I have a basket full of beautiful teaching tools to refine and deepen my skills and to offer my medicine to the world.
After Gabrielle handed my necklace to me in 2011 I picked this saying from the basket: “You can only teach what you have experienced in your body before.“ (The magic of the wounded healer).
I am still learning how to carry my visible and invisible wounds and scarves with dignity and grace. The key for me is to forgive myself and others. Over and over again… The power of forgiveness - soon in Moscow, Russia. Do you want to be part of our tribe, dancing with our brothers and sisters in Russia, creating and witnessing together the healing powers of forgiving?

The Power of Forgiveness
with Susanna Dobos
30 November 2018 - 02 December 2018
Training center Sintez Znanie, Moscow

Amala Petra Storm
5Rhythms Teacher since 2004
Tribe Member since 1997
My first experience with 5Rhythms was in Italy where I had just booked a week of holiday and dancing in a nice centre. It's amazing how one step changed my life, let me fall in love with a practice and ended in my full time profession. At this time we were a small group of Europeans, without local groups. We had to travel around the world and spend a lot of money for the passion to dance.
Why? First of all, it was so juicy and great to feel my body. I was so restricted and shy before and the dance revealed so many facets and strength in me.
After several years of dancing, I met Gabrielle the first time and was impressed - 250 people and one woman on stage with a magical appeal. At this workshop I made the decision to follow her even more into this practice. I decided to take the teacher path.
I was attracted to her being and her spiritual teachings. She got to the heart of everything and gave it wisdom, truth and poetic expression. I could have listened to her for many more hours. When she taught Rhythms, she always kept the basics. I felt never bored, but always took out something essential for my life.
On my path as a teacher I learned very much about myself: to keep on standing in front, no matter how I feel, to keep on using my feet traveling on the ground, instead of being stuck, to trust, to be awake and open up and to follow the path within. I went through challenging times and feelings, as a teacher, a student, an organizer, a colleague, an assistant – in each role I still learn to be truly myself and follow that.
My teaching style changed, whenever I got to the next level of more understanding. Like a spiral that never ends evolving. I still learn how to listen to that what's here now, to include everything and watch the dancespace as a witness. We all have to learn to tolerate, to communicate and to love ourselves and the others.
My focus in teaching is to help people to accept who they are and dance out the hidden parts, the strength, the unlived, the love - all they could be. I am not so much interested in feel good Waves, I want to open up inner doors, or even a small gap.
Meanwhile I did the Heartbeat Training (2010), studied Trauma Therapy, systemic oriented bodytherapy and much more. This naturally influences my work. The pleasure is that everything leads into a space of silence or spirit.
This year I once again start a series of Heartbeat Workshops. Its my honour to guide you to the benefits of your heart and feelings.

The Power of Love _ Leaving Unworthiness
with Amala Petra Storm
23 November 2018 - 25 November 2018
Gut Helmeringen , Lauingen (Donau)