
5Rhythms Workshop

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Riders on the storm - Chaos

3 Nov 2018 - 4 Nov 2018
Location: Loft Tilburg studio 1, Ringbaan-Oost 8
Tilburg, Netherlands Show map
Organizer: Pauline van Hezik

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You know it...

Chaos can be stressful and overwhelming in daily life. Storm! Even though there are the ones that flourish in chaos!

We all know life is changing all the time. Dealing with chaos is not the easiest thing.

For our creativity chaotic or unknown space is necessary. This way we can feel loose, open and free. This way we can actually receive our intuition.

How can we dance our chaos

as Riders on the storm?

This weekend we dance through structures and patterns and loosen some tightness. Often we think that dancing chaos means strong and hard dancing or going completely wild. No... there are so many ways to dance chaos: Soft, flowing, grounded, powerful, light, deep, slow... It's all a dance, it's all movement practice.

We will dive in in this weekend. We dance wave after wave. We explore and move our chaos in the moment. We alternate dance with some exercises and quiet moments. Dancing for two days will allow us to experience de power of movement and dancing the 5Rhythms even more.

Whether you have danced 5Rhythms often or just a few times, you are welcome. I would love you to have at least some 5Rhythms experience, so if you want to join and you haven't yet, please take some classes. There is 5Rhythms everywhere!

Riders On The Storm 

Dates: Saturday 3 to Sunday 4 November 2018

Times: 10AM - 5PM

​Lunch to share. Tea, coffee and a snack are included. 

Your investment: €150/€125 early bird until 3 October 2018)

Registration in advance.



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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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