
5Rhythms Workshop

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Chakra Journey

Led by: Heeraa Sazevich
20 Nov 2018 - 24 Nov 2018
Location: Ometepe Island, Inanitah
Managua, Nicaragua Show map
Organizer: Gaia Ma

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Dancing the Chakras through the 5Rhythms map on magical Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

Energy… where is it flowing easily in your life? Where does it feel stuck or too intense? Energy naturally seeks equilibrium and harmony. Challenges arise when we impose our ideas on how it ‘should’ move. The ancient chakra system holds essential keys to finding this balance and fostering healthier relationships with ourselves, others and the world.

Exploring the chakras via the healing, moving meditation map of the 5Rhythms®, 

we embark on a delicious journey of embodying these vital questions: 

Do I feel grounded and supported? What’s my relationship to pleasure and nourishment? Do I feel empowered? What is my heart saying? Where is creativity manifesting in my life? Do I trust my intuition? How does spirit connect to my life? 

Restore and revitalize yourself on this week long movement adventure exploring

how energy works within and without. 

Open to all levels of experience and abilities. No pre-requisites. All workshop hours count towards 5Rhythms teacher training. 

This is a 5-DAY WAVES level workshop. $350

Imagine being held by dancing on the earth, around the fire, in the water, with the wind and landing in the etheric realms of magic. Our journey, supported by the surroundings of InanItah and the the magical Ometepe island, will be held on rich fertile ground, nestled between fire and water volcanoes, kissed by the breezy Caribbean trade winds and surrounded by the etheric beauty of this magical island, known to locals as the "Oasis of Peace."


Space is LIMITED. A $95 deposit reserves your spot *

The cost for Room & Board at InanItah, including meals and access to the garden, ranges from $26 - $42 per night depending on your accommodation choice.

*Should you choose to cancel your registration for the workshop, in most circumstances this deposit is strictly non-refundable. An exception to this may arise in the case of Ometepe experiencing political violence.

Contact fire.inanitah@gmail.com to book lodging, register in person and make inquiries.

Refund Policy

Space is LIMITED. A $95 deposit reserves your spot *

*Should you choose to cancel your registration for the workshop, in most circumstances this deposit is strictly non-refundable. An exception to this may arise in the case of Ometepe experiencing political violence.

Contact fire.inanitah@gmail.com to book lodging, register in person and make inquiries.

Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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