in the City of Vancouver, BC
November 2-4, 2018
With Bettina Rothe & Guests
Often we seek sanctuary in the outside world. We retreat, plan a get away and often simply ignore our need for resourcing.
We invite you to seek sanctuary inside yourself: in your cathedral of skin and bones, in your body temple.
Coming into our bodies can sometimes bring challenges: maybe we cannot find our way in, maybe certain parts of our temple are closed due to construction or fallen rubble or certain areas might feel foreign and uninhabited.
The 5Rhythms®, a moving meditation and spiritual practice, offers us maps to our innermost being and a path to wholeness. Through movement and breath we will open the gates into our bodies and find our way into inhabiting this house of our spirit. The transformative practices of Tao Yoga and Qigong will enhance our experience of rejuvenation and bliss in our embodiment.
Please join us in co-creating this sanctuary, a nourishing haven, a spa for body, mind and heart right here in the city in the midst of our busy lives.
We are offering a safe and sacred space where dance meets the arts, where live music inspires, where raw chocolate and other delights get served.
It is a place where you can come home to yourself, find rest, nourishment and replenish in community.
Every body is welcome.