Thierry Francois
5Rhythms Teacher since 2010
Tribe Member since 1999
5Rhythms crossed my path in 2001. I was dancing at that time with my partner in some different practice, but was not really interested, too much something, not enough something else, then I gently gave up. Later, she told me about her 5Rhythms new experience and I decided to try again. It was with Deborah Bacon Dilts and it's funny how I can remember very well this very first meeting. I felt like it was a date, just sensing that I was falling in love, mostly felt at home, safe and ready to do more. Few years later, after hours and hours of regular practice in classes and workshops in France and Europe, I needed to come and meet Gabrielle in Sausalito. I first was frustrated as she was not there in the venue, and suddenly I felt her presence in my back, it was kind of something. We had a tea break, and I just noticed I was alone in this big room with her in the other corner. Of course I wanted to step toward her but the inner little voice full of crap was saying, "No." I closed my eyes and the second after, she was sitting front of me, asking "who are you?"
I met her in her grace, care, challenge, shaky ground, curiosity, voice, depth, humor.
She hit me in many ways, and through the practice, I just left myself diving, jumping, exploring the "how", the endless steps of what's going on next. I got lost and confused in many aspects of my whole self, but Rhythms give me the chance to find back the path, not in terms of good or right, just allowing to move in, move on, move out and let my loving feet explore, expand to what it is, whatever it is… Yes, it sometimes makes me vulnerable, exposed, as a dancer, as a teacher, as a man, and I know that the second after can make me embodied and creative, the same way.
Attention, awareness, breathing in, out, get closer and closer to myself.
My home Rhythm is Lyrical, there is still so much to learn, the letting go of the letting go, and on going perspective. I just need to show up and let my love keep opening the doors.
Dancing the unknown is coming soon, a chance to open our own pandora box and collect what's going out from it without knowing anything except I have a grounded body, an open heart, intuitive mind, a dancing soul, a seeker spirit.
Dancing the unknown, break on through on the other side.
“What will I find on the other side of all that I know?” -- Gabrielle

Dancing the Unknown
with Thierry Francois
06 June 2015 - 06 June 2015
Vienna, Vienna