Berit Hague
5Rhythms Teacher since 2004
Tribe Member since 1990
I read Gabrielle`s first book when it came to Sweden in 1990, and I knew I had found my way of dancing. However, there were no teachers in Sweden at that time, and it was not until 1998 I could start to practice the dance – going abroad to attend workshops.
WOW - It was SO fantastic to meet Gabrielle and dance with her and Jonathan.
In 2004/2005 I was able to do the Teacher training and since then this has been “My Life”, it is what I do for a living and it is how I live my life, guided by the Rhythms in everything.
2018 a Canadian/Russian 5Rhythm dancer living in St. Petersburg – Ekaterina Reymarova – came to my summer workshop in Southern Sweden, and she was SO enthusiastic:
Will you come to St. Petersburg and give a workshop there?
She organized everything so well, and last October we had our first workshop in St. Petersburg. None of the participants had danced the Rhythms before and only a few of them had heard about this dance practice before they got our/Ekaterina`s promotion.
On Friday evening I introduced The Rhythms, I talked about Gabrielle and Jonathan and what this dance practice has meant for me, and we danced a wave.
During the weekend the understanding of the Rhythms was deepened more and more, and the participants just loved it. They just loved this dance and they gave it all!
I could hardly believe my eyes, seeing them on the dance floor, with so much Joy, Enthusiasm and Authenticity! Incredible dances and spontaneous creative meetings between them happened with SO much joy and enthusiasm.

Creative Dancer: Search and Express who you are
with Berit Hague
14 February 2020 - 16 February 2020
Loft 9 3/4, St. Petersburg