We all want to be courageous, to be free, to find our path and dance it without worries, anxieties, trepidations, without . . . fear. And yet the journey to courage is the journey of becoming intimate with fear. We cannot have one without the other. In this workshop we will welcome our fear — feel it, listen to it, embody it. We will dance with fear until we find it is not something to avoid but rather an opportunity to bring forth a new perspective, a new awareness, a new part of ourselves. Fear is a gift that brings us back to the truth of who we are.
Join us in the 5Rhythms Heartbeat Map for a journey into embodied emotion. The most heart expansive journey one can take on a Valentine’s weekend. Bring your “sweet” heart and your beloved as well. Let’s be moved.
Ann Kite is an accredited 5Rhythms teacher (Waves and Heartbeat level) who teaches classes and workshops in and around Washington D.C. Ann believes in the intuitive wisdom of the body, and teaches 5Rhythms as a path to healing through deep communion with the incarnate self. Ann is passionate about life, about love of self and other, and about honoring the gifts that come through each of us.
In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.