Berit Hague
5Rhythms Teacher since 2004
Tribe Member since 1990
Since 1998, dance has been my teacher. It has transformed my body into a beloved home while I have discovered its potential to generate, manage and release energy - if it receives. Meanwhile, I've also had hundreds of teachers (participants) in front of me on the dance floors that have helped me to see clearly and experience it myself. For me, dance is the most fun and effective way to learn to live on. It takes me naturally into the body, showing me my own expressiveness and natural individuality while also teaches me how I can relate to others and find my place in the group. In our changing time, dance puts us in deep contact with life's creative power. The spontaneous dance brings joy and the feeling of freedom that naturally comes through dance, gives us courage to face the everyday challenges of life. And when we dance you will find genuine expression of our inner reality, released the pent, the heart opens and we get in touch with our greatness / dignity, that which allows us to create and provide the good, the serving life.
In this workshop, we will welcome the New Year, creating intentions for ourselves to manifest, whether it is about something to do or something to be. Dance is such a powerful tool to manifest qualities, even physically in our bodies and The 5Rhythms will guide our movements. Love, this precious state and quality of being, we probably all want more of in our lives. What attitudes do we hold that prevent us from experiencing it in various ways? How can we consciously bring in more love, attract more love in our lives? Finding and acknowledging our power, helping each other to be all that we are, releasing old stuff in a ceremony. We warmly welcome you to this special start of the new year! Friday evening will be a preparation for the weekend workshop warming up with a great Wave together.
Welcoming the New Year, inviting more LOVE, standing in our POWER
with Berit Hague
23 January 2015 - 25 January 2015
To Be Announced, Wroclaw

Meaghan Williams
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 0
Tribe Member since 2002
You are elemental. Within your body resides the powers of earth, fire, water, air, and the etheric. In this 5Rhythms workshop, we'll investigate these elemental forces within and embody their unique qualities of movement, inspired by the elements in the environment around us.
The 5Rhythms are a conscious body-based practice in which we simply invite the body to move, each in its own way, through five specific energetic fields. Following our flesh and our breath through the dance, we create an opportunity to find our organic movement and give shape to our own unique original choreography, leading us back to our inherent soulful wisdom.
The 5Rhythms: Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, and Stillness, naturally follow one another, in Waves. In the dance, we dig deep into the root of who we are and how we are in Flowing. We spark and define our edges and our desires in Staccato. We expand and express our ecstasies and struggles in the great surrender and release of Chaos. On the other side of Chaos, we shift and lift into our lightness, soar the space we've created and explore its myriad patterns in the rhythm of Lyrical. We integrate and allow breath to guide us home to our core in the realm of Stillness.
The elements are not just around us, but within our every cell and system of body, mind, and soul. If we are cut off from the natural world, we easily lose touch with our elemental nature. The natural world, when we pay attention to it, can help us re-member ourselves . . . . In this workshop, we will have the opportunity to investigate the realm of each rhythm facilitated by the instructor but allowing the elements around us to be our primary teacher, as we dance on the Earth, around the Fire, in the Water, with the fresh Air on the grounds of Etheric Pacha Mama.
Every moment is an opportunity to discover all aspects of ourselves in fresh ways. Come dance with whatever experience, training, or practice you may have, and bring it to the big dance floor, to dance the whole universe of yourself alive.
The 5Rhythms are for every body and no experience is required to attend this journey, just a willingness to show up in your body, exactly as you are.

The Elemental Wave
with Meaghan Williams
19 January 2014 - 24 January 2014