Sara Cereghetti
5Rhythms Teacher since 0
Tribe Member since 2011
My heart was empty and lost, my body still in shock and shaking for the absolute absence of logic in the painful and toxic relationship I was gently leaving behind. Seven years ago, winter time. The perspicacity of a soul friend brought me to my first 5Rhythms workshop. And the dance came as the most beautiful resilient angel. After some months in hell, just a few hours and I was back. My soul was back to hope. My body was back to life.
No questions, no doubts, no maybes: I kept on dancing. Lots of dance floors, deepening the practice with a few inspiring teachers. During five years, I’ve been rolling and crying, cleaning and shouting, healing and connecting: skin after skin, the miracle of shapeshifting. During that time, the practice was a self-care affaire, it was about my story and my wounds.
February 2016, another winter flower bloomed. I dreamt of a mysterious message - L’ombra delle acque fa certe polveri - telling a story about waters, shadows and dust. The following day, I knew my life will follow new destinations, revealing the path of the 5Rhythms teacher training. In this shifting-whirling point, I surprised my honest and passionate staccato recognizing a way to express with integrity one of the inspirations of my soul: to heal through the body, art and love.
Today, my heart is fulfilled with gratitude. My heart is my offering. I never met Gabrielle in flesh. I met her through the practice, I met her in my grieving on the dance floor two days after she died, I met her channeling with Maps to Ecstasy. I see her in my elders who committed with the practice by her teaching and who still keep her presence pure, I feel her in Jonathan’s sweat and emotion when “he remembers”. I know she is in my body. And my body is divine.
TOTEMS is our body. In this evening urban exploration, we will get curious with our body parts as a gateway to every rhythm, diving and opening to every rhythm guided by the sacredness and unicity of our cells.

with Sara Cereghetti
23 July 2018 - 27 July 2018
Maison des Arts du Grütli, Geneva

Irene Hernandez Sanchez
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 2009
I feel so grateful that I found the Rhythms early (I was 21), through my mum!!
They have become my navigation map. My GPS to go through all the challenges of being alive. This decade has been full on for me, changes, losses, ups, downs, contractions and expansions. Figuring out who I am and what I´m doing here, taking in so much, letting go and choosing, discerning, learning, and starting to feel the need to give back.
The last 4 years (since I became a 5R Waves teacher) I’ve focused on building community in Spain. I´m a very curious person, I’ve tried many kinds of formats: from 1 hour mini classes to 5-day residentials, 1 to 1 sessions, etc. And I’ve been so fortunate to have so many amazing people following and accompanying me all the way. I’ve also been producing and translating many different and super inspiring teachers around the globe. It hasn’t been easy at times, yet so fulfilling and nourishing, so fascinating! The more I dance and offer the dance, the more in awe I feel, the more free, renewed and loving. And yes, Gabrielle was so right, it takes discipline to be a free spirit! Showing up no matter what.
Now I’ve just finished the Heartbeat training. I feel I´m just starting to have “feet” as a Waves teacher and a whole new landscape is opening up! This time I don´t feel in a hurry at all. Wanna taste the steps slowly.
My next long workshop is a Waves 5-day residential where the focus will be to practice taking the day to day fast speed to the floor, using this energy to cleanse ourselves through movement and then tap into the slow motion and the pause, where we can listen deeper within. Using the dance, the body in motion and the group field to RESET body, heart and soul through the rhythms. And I´m so happy that my friend and 5R´s teacher Mark Austin will be coming from U.K. to assist me and support the process.
The retreat is getting full but we still have space for you if you feel the call!

RESET 5 Days Waves Residential
with Irene Hernandez Sanchez
25 July 2018 - 29 July 2018