A 5Rhythms® Summer Dance journey
with Jonas Klingberg
at the island of Gotland, Sweden
During this week we will explore different ways to move through a 5Rhythms dance wave. The invitation and purpose is to bring awareness to our habitual ways of moving, to explore what happens when we move out of our patterns and comfort zones.
There is so many creative ways to move through a 5Rhythms® dance wave, with different themes, intentions and focus.
Creativity can be a transformative pathway and connect us to new and different ways of moving, relating and being with ourselves, others and the world. We are then able to embody and receive more awareness, inspiration and energy, which can expand our experience and expressions of being human and alive.
Every day will include:
2 daily 5Rhythms dance/movement sessions, free time, swimming, beach hang out, rest, relaxation, fantastic nature and excursions.
INVESTMENT: early bird register & pay before 28 May 2.850 SEK, full price 3.150 SEK (does not include excursions).
ACCOMMODATION: Ekegården, Gotland, rooms from 250 SEK/night, meals not included, full board available, camping is possible.
REGISTER: email Mona at info@bodymoves.se and pay your booking fee 900 SEK to BG 804-5320
Warmly welcome!