Susanna Dobos
5Rhythms Teacher since 2010
Tribe Member since 2003
I grew up in a big family. We used to gather and celebrate that we were alive. Being with my tribe was my anchor, my safe haven and I felt that I belonged. I had a place. And of course, there was everything in the field - laughter, tears, fights, reconciliations … the whole spectrum of situations which form and shape us as unique beings …
I loved the transparency and honesty of the tribal life. When I grew older I lost touch to this nourishing and healing connection - to the tribal field. Meeting the 5Rhythms was like coming home. To my tribe.
I always wanted to work with the tribal field. It was a long-term vision of mine to create a vessel where we all can meet ourselves, each other, and where we can process and celebrate and eat and laugh and love … together … in the unified field.
Being with Sonja is tribe for me. I am happy that we create this gathering together, weaving the Waves and Heartbeat Level into one beautiful journey - melting and uniting and also teaching solo … Come! Join us! We still have some places available and are thrilled to welcome YOU beautiful being.

t r i b e - 5Rhythms Summer Treat
with Sonja Hellmann & Susanna Dobos
19 August 2020 - 23 August 2020
Friedrichshof, Zurndorf

Sonja Hellmann
5Rhythms Teacher since 0
Tribe Member since 2003
Thank you so much dear sister Susanna to call me into this space - fascinated I'm looking forward to my first co-creation in this field. Thank you!
I'm fresh in the teachers-tribe/circle. Trained 2017/2018 in Garrison ("Hogwarts“), Zagreb (Croatia) and the Rock-my-soul-mountains (SLC, Utah). I fully graduated a year ago, dancing in the shores of wild Wales ("the call of the heart“) and celebrated my freedom and connection at Stonehenge's heel-stone. Gratitude to you known and unknown tribe – and all friends on the way.
Back in 2003, I was already working as an artist with "Lichtschacht – art investigation“, I stumbled into a 5Rhythms ongoing. Ongoing dancing, painting, creating, being and breathing in the waves since then.
I offer classes and workshops in Bonn and around. I live close to the river Rhine with my 2 great sons. Meet me in Waves° in summer in Burgenland.

t r i b e - SummerResidential
with Susanna Dobos & Sonja Hellmann
07 August 2019 - 11 August 2019
Friedrichshof, Zurndorf