Guillaume Laplane
5Rhythms Teacher since 2007
Tribe Member since 2002
I love to touch, I love to witness. I feel at ease in the contact of people in movement through dance or massage, this bring me a smile of peace and happiness. I am at ease looking to the world and find easily the fascination about the multiple dynamics that I see, the complexity of nature, characters of people, interactions... the intelligence of movement language appear as more appropriate to our real world than words.
I was introduced to the 5Rhythms by Deborah Bacon-Dilts in 2002, I was completely lost at the first Wave, with no idea what to do, and a real gap to pass and deep vulnerability about listening to what my body naturally needed as movement, I cried a lot lying on the floor connecting to my body reconnecting with kindness and love for my-self.
In the Desert we explore specific qualities each day:
1st Flowing - arriving - connecting to my body - connecting to other through touch and movement
2nd Staccato - connection - history - lineage - action - Land Art and dancing with specific intention
3rd Chaos - Experiencing gravity - blind fold exploration - witnessing someone else exploration and taking care of my-self in the same time
4th Lyrical - Collective creativity and performance offering to the place and to the group
5th Stillness - Alone on my site and visually connected to the others - movement / non-movement - Music / Silence - dancing the gratitude to the pace and what we received.
The Desert introduces the silence in our practice, no movement and opportunity to witness or contact with a very soft and feminine part of the earth. The dune and the soft sand introduce a sense of gravity and the kindness to let our self surrender to our weight, we can experience to simply being carried by mother earth in a very comfortable way (warmth, softness) a bite like in a warm pool receiving Watsu therapy. This bring us in the essential state of first: taking care of our body.
The Black Desert, that is made of rocks and hard ground connect us to our history, heritage, ancestors. Amazing shape on these stones that are the result of thousands of years of existence, their shapes, their position on the ground is the result of a period of time that is no easily imaginable in our scale of life time. This is for me the opportunity to work on our action in life, what we are engaged for, what brought us where we are and in what we "do.”
The live Berber drumming are hypnotic and the unstable ground open a excellent space of letting go. The fact of living together in a little camp, being outside, having minimal showers and toilets system and the humor of local people really boost the light of each people as well as challenging the european habits of comfort. The multiple shapes of the land offers excellent playground and stage for group creation as dancing performance on the lyrical day. The morning sun rise meditations and the sunset chanting give space for shared silence and collective fascination on just being there together.
31 December 1969

Jonathan Horan
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 1986
Tribe Member since 1970
As I closed my year of teaching in London a few weeks ago, I found myself in conversation with a few dancers with a common thread -- how they were first introduced to the 5Rhythms through their parents.
As a child, my mother always gave me permission to move into and out of her 5Rhythms rooms, to meet adults in this way, that we are all equal on the dancefloor, that my body, my heart, my mind, my soul, my spirit can and should meet and be met by feet that have been on this earth longer than me no matter my age.
As I guide the second generation of 5Rhythms, I feel at home in my tribe, hearing that dancers around the world have come from a similar place as I, encouraged by their parents to be in their bodies. This personal healing path is paving the way to inviting their children into this 5Rhythms investigation early on in life, meeting their sons and daughters through the body and not always through the talking head.
It warms my heart that the 5Rhythms practice has been so transformational and supportive for these young souls, that they now choose to continue this practice for themselves as young adults.
Throughout my life, my mother gave herself permission to learn from her mirror in me, as often a child's mirror can be the greatest teaching for our ego's own patterns.
As I prepare for my upcoming workshop in Costa Rica at the end of the month, I recall one child I met on this land through the dance many years ago. He called the 5Rhythms "boring" and was resisting participating.
I lovingly offered this young soul that perhaps the 5Rhythms weren't boring, but he himself was boring.
If we constantly find ourselves being bored in our life, the one common denominator in all of our experiences are ourselves and ourselves alone. Life is not boring. We are boring if we choose to not be fascinated by and fascinating in every thing we do.
A year later after our encounter, this boy was a different person, meeting the world head on and enjoying every second of it. His father told me that something changed in his son that day, a responsibility for himself to be the master of his own path, his own creativity in life.
A surprising number of families have beautifully decided to make my upcoming Mirrors workshop in Costa Rica a family trip. While the children coming along are not quite danced enough yet for the complete Mirrors level of the work, I look forward to inviting them into our dance at times throughout the week, so they can experience the foundational 5Rhythms Wave that their parents have made their practice.

with Jonathan Horan
21 February 2015 - 28 February 2015
Blue Spirit, Nosara