Amelie Schweiger
5Rhythms Teacher since 2004
Tribe Member since 1999
I discovered 5Rhythms after many years of looking for my dance and experimenting with several body practices. I was also writing poetry and dedicated to song lyrics, but I was always remaining hungry because I had the feeling that I had not really found my art. When I danced my first Wave, I understood I was at home. No doubt, no resistance, no thoughts. Only being there, completely one, connected to the deepest, the brightest and the most mysterious part of myself. And also connected to a bigger picture. I felt intensity and lightness, passion and serenity, enthusiasm (this word means “in Theos”, “in God”)… It was like drinking elixir of youth and life. Of course, I also discovered my shadows, the refrains of my ego not easy to let go (it is still on the way!) and other difficult moments. But dance was always a container able to hold everything, a space where to transform, sometimes very quickly, sometimes more slowly, a garden where to punch and recycle, an alchemical crucible. After years of dancing for myself, I decided to become a teacher. And then I understood I had finally found my art: a living art, because art is us, dancers of life!
Dance is my daily practice. One of the rhythms in particular can be my indicator, depending the moments I go through. Although Flowing is my native rhythm, today I am especially inspired by the whole Wave. In Flowing, each part of my body surrender to the flexible circulation of my feet. I feel unified, galvanized by this consent to my quiet suppleness. There is nothing to do, to produce; only being in agreement with the movement of life. In Staccato, I nourish my ability to clarify, to take decisions, to commit and to keep the direction. I find strength and courage. Chaos teaches me to let go of control and routines. It offers to my wild woman a place to refresh her power, her freedom and creativity. Then Lyrical reminds me not to take myself too seriously, to keep light and to cultivate the taste of instant improvisation. At the end, Stillness offers me inner peace, like a radiant jewel, comforting and indestructible. But it is not the end! Because a new Wave follows and the alchemy goes on…
I invite you to join us to share the Alchemy of the 5Rhythms. A dancing retreat in nature, a time of healing in an inspiring ancient house in the South of France. We will go deep with our cells in the universe of each rhythm. We will awake the dancer who lives in each of us. He will guide us towards what animates us deep inside, towards the gold of our vitality and creativity. We will dissolve the brakes to our freedom of moving with gentleness, commitment, awareness and humor. We will observe the routines and judgements who limit us and pass through to expand the vocabulary of our body, our creative potential and our space of action. We will trust the intelligence and imagination of our bodies. We will feel, express and let go our emotions in the crucible of the dance to connect the intensity and the joy of our inner power. Through dance, relation to nature, drums, sometimes writing or drawing and some surprises, we will offer us a chance that dance become a durable source of inspiration for our daily lives.
We will be accompanied by Stanislas, a dancer and polyinstrumentist musician.
The workshop will be held in French and translated into English.

ALCHIMIE - Alchemy
with Amelie Schweiger
06 August 2017 - 12 August 2017
Lamastre, Lamastre

Jonathan Horan
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 1986
Tribe Member since 1970
Returning from Europe, easing back into the rhythms of Utah, the comfort zone of my home, the familiar sounds and scents of the mountains and desert, the realization that community is the next Buddha is very alive in me. Moving from community to community, all embodied in the 5R, my heart is at peace with what we have all set in motion.
Here we are spinning into summer and falling into spins we could never have imagined. So how do we stay aware and not cruise the shadows of confusion and fear? We dance and after we’ve danced until there’s nothing left, we sit in the rhythm of Stillness and feel how profound the emptiness, how alive, how fertile the divine intelligence behind it all.
Faith is required; faith in the process. We are among the blessed with tools to navigate the free-style unpredictability of Chaos. Together we face big issues, big changes in a world that has lost its soul but wants it back and wants it back right now! More than ever, we need to be grounded; feeling our hearts beating, our breath moving, and resonating this frequency to those around us who might not have had ten thousand dances and ten thousand chances to get over themselves and feel the power and presence of something bigger than all of us moving us.
This month I'll be returning to Australia to move through a powerful journey of our advanced Maps -- God, Sex, & The Body, Cycles, and Mirrors, a rare opportunity to experience the full breadth and depth of the 5Rhythms mandala in their organic order.
We will then be cultivating this earth, planting the 5R seeds for more communities to root and blossom through the embodiment of our new Sweat SpaceHolder program. I am excited to orient the dancing souls who will be traveling this new path towards teacher training with the commitment of their Mentor teachers. Thank you dancers for your leap into the mystery & the unknown, and thank you 5RTA members for supporting this ongoing vision to bring the 5Rhythms practice to more places with love, with tribal intention, with integrity.
with Jonathan Horan
03 September 2015 - 07 September 2015
TBA, Byron Bay