
5Rhythms Workshop

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emPower & reSource

Led by: Julie Plotkin
26 Apr 2018 - 31 May 2018
Location: Roberts Creek Studio, 2795 Lower Rd.
Roberts Creek, British Columbia, Canada Show map


 In this workshop series, we will use the 5Rhythms map to explore how we empower and resource ourselves in our daily lives. Who and what do we turn to when we want to reSource? How and when do we feel empowered? Why and when do we feel disempowered and/or burned out? Do you tend to "crash land your airplane?" We will work with movement, awareness of breath, meditation and exercises to move with and through these questions. No experience needed to participate.


 5 Thursdays

April 26 - May 31 (no class on May 17)

6:30 - 8:30pm


Please dress in layers, bring a water bottle, and meditation blanket/cushion if possible.

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Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.


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