Let the 5 rhythms take you into a deep dive of surrender, letting go of old beliefs and embody you visions for the future. Let yourself open up to your deeper wisdom and connect to the powerful creator you are. Let’s celebrate and rest!
This event is situated in the beautiful hilly landscape of Mols, 45 km east of Aarhus.
We will be dancing, resting and you will be able to take walks in the beautiful surroundings, eat great food and have a splendid 3 course meal for New Years evening.
There are only limited spaces available. You will be sharing a double room, with bath and toilet shared with one other room. There are a few places in a dormatory, if you bring your own matress. talk to me about this option.
Price: if payed before 1.december 2900 Dkr., hereafter 3250 Dkr. Includes lodging for 2 nights, linnen and towels, all meals (vegetarian and some fish/meat, incl. 3 menu meal New Years eve), snacks, tea and coffee. There will be served a glass of Cremant on New Years evening.
Please let us know of any diet we need to take into account.
(If you want other drinks or alcohol during your stay, please bring this with you. We want to create an atmosphere of immersion and tranquility, so we urge to treat alcohol with care.)
Registration: please mail to kontakt@lailanissen.dk. If you have any questions you can also contact Laila at +45 22 25 42 43.
Payment made to Laila Wodtke Nissen,
bank account at: Arbejdernes Landsbank
IBAN DK3753810000418578,
How to get there: From Aarhus by bus or carpool. Please contact Laila for more information.