It is, in essence, “exercise for the right brain.” When we practice 5Rhythms, we learn to creatively express aggressiveness and vulnerability, emotions and anxieties, edges and ecstasies.
It reconnects us to cycles of birth & death and hooks us into humanity and the spirit of all living things. Within the group context we create connection and community and hone our instincts and our intuitions.
We are made up of all walks of life – every culture, religion, race, gender, age and sexual preference are welcome. 5Rhythms transcends dance.
The movement is the medicine.
Whilst also exploring Flowing, Staccato, Lyrical & Stillness.
Shadow of Chaos. Confusion.
Versus Essential Chaos. Letting Go.
The SHADOWS are not bad ~ Philosophy of 5Rhythms has no judgement.
When we dance the shadows, when we name whatever is going on, we give ourselves and others permission to experience something without shame!
Deposit refunded 3 full days before the workshop or if I have a waiting list.
Last minute exceptional circumstances, we can carry deposit over to another class/workshop in the future. You'll NEED it.