Key to the Heart: Module 2 - Anger
We will take an in-depth dive into the way anger moves through our sensate bodies. We will explore how this emotion can be given freedom, and how it can offer great insight and wisdom along our path as a human being.
Throughout 2018, we will spend time in each of the emotions in the 5Rhythms Heartbeat map: Fear, Anger, Sadness, Joy, Compassion.
This workshop will be limited in size so I can work individually with each participant.
This is part 2 of a 5-part series that will explore each of the emotions in the 5Rhythms Heartbeat map. The first module of Key to the Heart (Fear) is prerequisite for this workshop. If you missed module 1, one-on-one Heartbeat coaching can substitute for this prerequisite. Contact Ann Kite if you wish to discuss this possibility.
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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.