
5Rhythms Class

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Led by: Lynne Adams
Next Class: 23 Mar 2025 15:30 - 17:30
Location: Circuit-Est, 1881 rue St. André
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Show map
Organizer: Lynne Adams

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 "Once your body surrenders to movement, your soul remembers its dance"

- Gabrielle Roth

5Rhythms is a practice that brings us back to our bodies to access our minds and let our spirits fly.

This class is a weekly opportunity to feel, connect, discover your inner knowing and collective belonging through movement.

It's a space to get curious about "the miles of wilderness between our head and our feet" and explore the many ways we express our humanity in all its gore and glory.

Changes, transformation, growth, age... being stuck, getting unstuck, knowing, not knowing, guessing, trying, succeeding, failing, giving up, starting again... we move with it all.

Everyone is welcome.

Drug and alcohol-free zone.

$25/class - $20/students

$225 / 10-class card

Pre-registration please:





"Si tu as un corps tu es un danseur"

-Gabrielle Roth

Le 5Rythmes est une pratique qui nous ramène à notre corps afin d'ouvrir un nouvel accès à notre mental et libérer notre esprit.

Cette classe est une opportunité hebdomadaire de ressentir, connecter, découvrir notre sagesse innée et notre appartenance commune.

C'est pour les curieux qui veulent explorer "les kilomètres de contrées sauvages entre notre tête et nos pieds" et les maintes façons d'exprimer notre humanité.

Changements, transformation, croissance, âge... être poignés, se dépoigner, savoir, pas savoir, deviner, essayer, réussir, sombrer, recommencer... on bouge à travers tout cela.

Tous sont bienvenus.

Environment sans drogues ou alcool.

$25/classe - $20/étudiants

$225 / carte de 10 cours

Pré-inscription svp:





 We're at  / Nous sommes à:

Circuit-Est, 1881 rue St André Mtl Studio C

Please register so I can give you the entry codes!

Svp vous inscrire pour que je vous communique les codes d'entrée!

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Registration Policy

Drop In or Pre-Register


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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