
5Rhythms Teachers

"And so we follow the little voice inside in our own rhythm in our own style to find the light within."
Czech Republic Teacher Community
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Veronika Kocinakova

Sweat SpaceHolder, mentored by Chris Camp & Jason Rowe
I have always liked to dance without having to follow a certain person, certain steps. I have danced to feel light, happy, and free. In 5Rhythms I found something bigger and deeper. Something that helped me find the ground, get out of my head, get deeper into my true essence, into my heart, and find connection and unity with others. 

When I once walked into a 5Rhythm class in Vienna and was alone, at strange place with strangers, and yet I felt totally like at home, dancing, belonging, with others showing me a part of me that I also have or can have, I felt that this was it. I love 5Rhythms. It makes me feel whole again. 

Location: Brno, Czech Republic
Dancing since: 2015
Languages: English, Czech

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Brno, Czech Republic
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