
5Rhythms Workshop

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Led by: Silvija Tomcik
25 Nov 2016 - 27 Nov 2016
Location: Zeitraum, Bandgasse 34/29C
Vienna, Austria
Organizer: Irene Seewald


In this Ongoing group through our 5 modules we will explore the energy of the emotions. Transforming our relationship to them, expressing and releasing what we still carry, to find a way back to their purity and directness in the moment. Following Gabrielle’s map we will work with five basic emotions – fear, anger, sadness, joy and compassion, and all their nuances (variations) that we don’t even need to name. These are essential and vital part of what we feel when we feel love. When we love, our hearts are challenged to feel the full range of emotions. Our practice is to find the fluidity from one to another, the honesty with ourselves and others, the clear embodiment that allows us to stay grounded and centered when a wave of any emotion is passing through us.

The group will dance and dive deeper together for five modules over a year. The continuity in this type of work together with the exploratory work we do between modules creates and provides a strong, safe and supporting group space for our sharing and learning. Our life becomes our dance, and our dance becomes our life.


“The first creative task is to free the body to experience the power of being. The second major task is to express the heart, freeing the emotions to experience the power of loving.” Gabrielle Roth
Prerequisites: 30 hours of Waves level.
This ongoing group counts for 10 Days of Heartbeat level towards the 5Rhythms Teacher Training prerequisites.
Prices per module: Early booking until 15th of December, price is140 EUR. Full price is 160 EUR. Working team price is 90 EUR. Applications are necessary, with 100 EUR non-refundable deposit. In case you are unable to participate in one or more modules, for whatever reason, you will have to pay 70% of your price for that module/s.


In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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