Winter Solstice Ritual
The Winter Solstice offers the opportunity to look inward, to connect to the deep cave of mother earth and to find our own points of light within the darkness. We'll have the opportunity to reflect on being in balance and to experience the interconnections we have as a tribe
You are invited to wear either white for the still snow, or red for the light of the sun, or brown/green for the depths of mother earth’s cave.
Here’s a few words I wrote in honor of the longer darkness:
Three-quarter moon.
Its effervescent white light twists and turns,
a kaleidoscope in the dark clouds.
Clouds form like the curve of a swan's neck.
And every now and then, the swan turns its head,
A massive third eye in the sky.
Grey rays beam down to earth.
Foretelling a coming clarity amid the darkness.
DATE: Friday, December 19, 2014 for Bethesda
TIME: 8pm to 10:30pm
LOCATION: Carderock Springs Swim & Tennis Club, 8200 Hamilton Spring Court, Bethesda, MD 20817. For directions, go to:
FEE: $20, cash only ($15 for full-time students with valid ID and those over age 65 or unemployed; $10 for 5Rhythms first-timers, good for 3rd Friday classes only).
IN THE 3rd-FRIDAY-OF-THE-MONTH CLASS: Dive more deeply into the 5Rhythms practice! We move in the spirit of fun and exploration to experience movement and dance as deeply or as lightly as we want to, and emerge refreshed in body, heart, mind, and soul. People move into their dance with the support of a world of music that can rock and roll from head to toe, cradle like soft blanket, or transport into trance with tribal pulses.
Beginners and walk-ins are welcomed (there is no choreography to follow). For young and old, survivors of bad backs, bum knees and broken hearts, the class is open to everyone, regardless of age, shape, size or dancing ability.
When we are in the dance studio, we move barefoot or in dance/jazz shoes (no socks). Wear clothes you can move and sweat in. Bring a bottle of water. Please do not chew gum, wear perfume/cologne/essential oils or talk during our class. And be prepared to have fun!
A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.