Waves of Life - an ongoing workshop in 4 modules
1. Me and My Body 2. Relationships and The Art of Connecting 3. Trust Your Body Trust Your Soul 4. I am who I am. The greater intention with these workshops is to realize deeper who I am as a Human Being in a Body, having do deal with natural physical Needs, a variety of Relationships and handling all sorts of situations and challenges in my daily life. How can I hold myself better in my everyday life, help myself to be more grounded and present in my body enabling me to meet all kinds of situations.Do I want a better relationship to my Body and if so, what do I do? How are my Relationships with others? Can I improve the way I deal with some of them? Do I long for more Love and Trust in my life? Where do I find this in me and in my relations with others? Am I ready to realize more of who I am and to accept myself the way I am?We do it all through dancing. The 5 Rhythms practice guides us through wave after wave where we put in exercises which helps us to reflect over and investigate into all these various themes.
4 independent workshops connected by the theme:1. 22-24 May 2. 19-21 August 3. 21-23 October 4. 13-15 January 2017 Every Friday evening is an open wave to introduce the 5 Rhythms to new people and to prepare us for the weekend.
Registration Policy
Drop In or Pre-Register
A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.