12pm – 5pm
Sunday 17th November
In ‘Transitions’ we’ll use the 5Rhythms maps to support us as we honour in movement, dance and ritual our individual and collective experience of menstrual bleeding, expressing and releasing old stories about the menarche (the start of our periods), menstruation, the menopause and our post-menopause years.
In the third workshop on Sunday 17th November we’ll honour our transition into the menopause and our post-menopause years. I call this our ‘cronedom’, where we assume our rightful place as wise women, crones, elders. We’ll celebrate the privilege of these years, sharing our stories in dance and in words, stories of loss and of freedom, of regrets and new horizons. Stories of hard-earned wisdom.
Women of every age are welcome at each these workshops – every woman has stories and dances to share that add to other women’s journeys, so whether you are just starting out on your path, whether you’re still bleeding, or whether you are post-menopausal, you are really welcome to join us. Participation in all 3 workshops is recommended and if you can’t make them all you are welcome to join the ones you can.
In order to hold a safe and contained space, I am limiting the size of these workshops to 15 women. Booking is essential. Please get in touch with me to book your place: email me at dancing5rwithrose@gmail.com or text/ring me on 07795253817
The price of each workshop is £30 (the series price is £90), some concessionary places of £25 (series price £75) available. If all three workshops are booked and paid for by the September 15th, I offer a 10% discount.