Des temps de guidance alterneront avec des temps de danse libre. Nous aurons ainsi la possibilité de rafraîchir nos routines, d’élargir nos espaces de conscience et de mouvement, d’approfondir la confiance dans la sagesse et la créativité naturelles de notre corps. Bienvenue pour pratiquer l’art de la transition créative et sereine !
10h - 17h. Tarif : 70€ et 60€ si inscription par envoi de la réservation un mois avant le stage. Réservation : Marianne Subra 06 58 04 37 45 inscription en ligne :
A time to develop our body sensitivity and intelligence, to meet our authenticity, to recognize and develop our patterns, to open new paths.
The dance changes and changes us at every moment. During a dance as well as during a day, we frequently move from one mood to another, from one situation to another, from one action to another. Taken in the current, we sometimes tend to "zap" without taking the time to inhabit these precious intermediate moments. On our paths, some passages are more difficult than others. As an art of constant transformation, dance can guide us to accompany the changes that are at the very heart of life's dynamics. We will explore the transitions between the Rhythms of the Wave, the bridges between our sensitive and emotional states, the mystery and the potentialities of the in-between. Do I experience it as a void or a full one? How I approach transitions: uncertainty, continuity, rupture, opportunity, unease, resistance, trust?....
Guidance times will alternate with free dance times. This will give us the opportunity to refresh our routines, expand our spaces of consciousness and movement, deepen confidence in the natural wisdom and creativity of our body. Welcome to practice the art of creative and serene transition!