What do you want? And how do you go about getting it..?
This weekend we will dance with two archetypes to explore different ways of relating to others and the world. Archetypes are core energies, deep truths of human potential that await our exploration and embodiment. By moving with the Seductress and the Hero, we expand our range of possibility, and strengthen our relationship to our own masculine and feminine. We’ll reclaim the purity of our heart’s desires, and learn to find more clarity and courage in our actions and decisions. Generous hearts, clear minds, willing bodies.. then there’s space for our soul to soar.
Times: Sat 28 Sep 10.30 - 17.30, Sun 29 10.30 - 16.30
Location: Akademie voor Massage en Beweging, Wingerdweg 32, 1031 CA Amsterdam
Price: € 170.- (€ 155.- if booked before 30 Jun)
To book / for more information: www.akademie.nl
Or contact Siebrecht Vroom with any questions at secretariaat@akademie.nl or 020-3308572
"How lovely it is to be in your wise, safe, healing presence.
The depth and simplicity of your teaching is stunning".