Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,
But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity,
Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards,
Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.”
- T.S. Eliot
A 5Rhythms movement adventure hosted by Chris Boylan.
Stillness is the beginning and the end.
The timeless space that holds and infuses all rhythms, all waves, all cycles, all being.
Stillness is ether and spirit, space and fulfillment, emptiness and fullness.
When we dance though the 5 Rhythms and arrive in Stillness,
we can directly experience the interconnectness of all things.
It is the Power of Healing.
It is love.
1.30pm-9pm 6/10/18 10.30am-5pm 7/10/18, Burniston near Scarborough
Cost £70, £85 after 22/09. Some concessions available on application. £25 non-refundable deposit secures you place and the early bird price if received before 22/09.
Dancing is in Burniston Village Hall near Scarborough, a venue for many deep and cathartic dances over the years. It is very easy by public transport and we pick up and drop off at Scarborough station. Sleepover in the hall is £10. Campervans can park up at no extra cost. There is plenty of affordable nearby accommodation if you prefer to stay elsewhere.