A theatre workshop for 5 Rhythms dancers
This workshop is a joyful, challenging, and healing journey in search of creativity and personal freedom. Revel in the art of the shapeshifter, and scoop up big handfuls of freedom and magic to bring back with you into your life.
Working with the 5 Rhythms, we practise responding instinctively to what’s going on around us. We receive and allow ourselves to be inspired by the attention of others. And we surrender to being filled by something other than ourselves.
When we are ready, we offer ourselves in service to the stories that are waiting to be told through us. Together we give them dramatic form. And through them we find new freedom - to be alive and spontaneous, playful and loving - as we open more deeply to our creative, instinctive selves.
“All human life was here - bucket loads of special moments in a workshop which required me to be truly in the moment. I feel regenerated down to the bones”
“I have noticed a remarkable shift in me since the workshop: I am able to love myself, to give my attention unconditionally to others, and to lose myself easily. Such profound transformation”
“Wonderful, healing, hopeful, joyful and loving!
The Holy Actor is the most extraordinary workshop I’ve ever been to”
Zeit: Fr 12. Dez.: 19.00 - 22.00 Uhr, Sa 13.: 10.30 - 18.00 Uhr, So 14.: 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Ort: Hausverein Giesserei, Ida-Sträuli-Strasse 65, 8404 Winterthur
Kosten: Fr. 340.- (Frühbucher - Fr. 290.-, bis 15. Okt.)
Fr. 40.- Nur Freitagabend
Anmeldung: Gabriella Johanns - emovere@gmx.ch tel. 079 235 98 25
Dies ist ein Workshop für erfahrene 5-Rhythmen-TänzerInnen. Bitte nimm Kontakt mit uns auf, wenn du nicht sicher bist, ob das auf dich zutrifft.