
5Rhythms Workshop

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The Heart of Compassionn

Led by: Ann Kite
4 May 2024
Location: Carderock Springs Swim and Tennis Club, 8200 Hamilton Springs Court, Bethesda, MD
Bethesda, Maryland, United States Show map
Organizer: Anand Crossley


"The way out of the storm and the mud of suffering, 

the way back to the high edge of strength and courage, 

is through the power of compassion."  

~ Joan Halifax

Compassion, a force not only directed outward but also inward, forms the emotional bedrock of the 5th rhythm envisioned by Gabrielle Roth. To immerse ourselves in the vast expanse of compassion, we must embrace our fear, our anger, our sorrow, our joy. As we navigate these depths, we expand our capacity for empathy and understanding.

Gabrielle Roth said, “Compassion is a chameleon: it can wear the face of fear, anger, sadness, joy or even dispassion, depending on what's needed at the time. The compassionate Buddha has a smile in one eye and a tear in the other, and our Buddha mission is to lead people to true freedom, not to hold their hand and tell them that everything is going to be all right. In teaching, compassion means doing whatever needs to be done to get to the next phase.”

True compassion is an art, an intimate comprehension, a tender or resolute response to the horrors we and others endure. It fills our existence with purpose.

Join us on Saturday, May 4th, from 2-8pm, for a soul-stirring, and thought-provoking gathering in the embrace of compassion.

Please bring:

A mug for Cacao

A pillow and blanket

A pen and journal

A meal or snacks for our break

A willingness to once again inhabit your life fully and to share this journey with others

We eagerly await your presence.




Refund Policy

For a full refund minus a $25 processing fee, you must cancel at least 1 week in advance of this workshop. For a full refund minus a 50% processing fee you must cancel at least 24 hours in advance of this workshop. Within 24 hours of this workshop all refunds will be subject to participant replacement. If the workshop is either not full or we are unable to fill your spot, your money will not be refunded. 

In the event that the organizers cancel this workshop, for any reason:

A full refund of the payment received from each participant will be made.

The organizers will hold no financial responsibility for the participants’ travel expenses.

Every attempt will be made to give as much prior warning of cancellation as possible.

To request a refund send email to info@annkite.com. 

Registration Policy

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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