
5Rhythms Workshop

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The Dark Goddess

Led by: Shauna Devlin
18 Dec 2016
Location: Stowel Lake Farm, 190 Reynolds Road
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada Show map


A 5Rhythms® & Path of She Workshop 
With Shauna Devlin & Karen Clark
A day of dance, sacred story, guided meditation and sharing with the Dark Goddess.

Dance the dark. Birth the light. Reclaim your Goddess Self.

At the Winter Solstice, the Dark Goddess calls us to Her mysteries of darkness, light and rebirth. From our inner darkness, we birth the light of our deep, beautiful Self.

Using the Sumerian tale of Inanna and Ereshkigal as our guide, we’ll weave dance, guided meditations, sharing and ceremony into a day of descending deep into these Dark Goddess mysteries, and reclaiming our ancient feminine wisdom.

Through this journey, you’ll discover the rebirth magic that is awakening for you at this time. What lost stories and sleeping beauty wait for you in your inner darkness, where the next step of your healing and transformation is revealed?

No dance experience is necessary, just bring your own movements and desire to explore your inner depths.

Sunday, December 18th 2016
10:00am – 5:00 pm
Stowell Lake Farm, 190 Reynolds Rd.
Salt Spring Island

Preregistration Required

Cost: Before Dec. 1 – $75; After Dec. 1 – $90


 Shauna Devlin is a certified 5Rhythms® teacher. She creates magic on the dance floor where we can explore all that is alive in us: what we need to let go, and what is waiting to be seen. In this dance, we can heal ourselves, each other and the planet.

Karen Clark is the author of Tale of the Lost Daughter and The Path of She Book of Sabbats. Her Path of She work bridges everyday and magical realities, translating Goddess and pagan teachings to our modern search for meaning, healing and personal transformation.

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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