Stressful or traumatic memories block the natural flow of life.
With the help of 5Rhythms dance, we bring the stories and body memories that come from within back into consciousness and into the dance.
With IBT - Integrative Body movement Trauma therapy, changes are stimulated and safely accompanied. This leads to a new lightness, which always shows itself when we encounter our true being. Methods: IBT, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms Movement Therapy, stabilization and individual work in the group.
In “Dancing out of Trauma” is space for joy of life and humor are as well as the pain from of old wounds. To lift the pain like a treasure in the therapeutic process, and to transform it in the dance, releases strength and bound energy. Lightness and deep therapeutic work complement each other. Dancing out of Trauma is the practical implementation of the method IBT, the Integrative Body-Movement Traumatherapy.
In Romanas Book the method is easily explained: (Available in German only) "Bewegung als Ressource in der Traumabehandlung, Praxishandbuch IBT - Integrative Bewegte Traumatherapie", Klett - Cotta, Reihe Leben Lernen 287, ISBN 978-3-608-89180-5,