
5Rhythms Workshop

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TRUST -5Rhythms ®: Heartbeat level Retreat with live music near the Black sea

28 Aug 2025 - 31 Aug 2025
Location: Romania , Merigar East, 23 August resort, Constanta, Romania
Constanta, Romania Show map
Organizer: Dana Costea

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 ~How do we trust our feet again and turn the memory of our trips over in to the dance?

~How do we trust our heart again despite the scars sculpted by the heartbreaks it has inevitably experienced and let the flame rise again ?

~How do we trust the unpredictability of life and let things fall effortlessly in to place?

~How do we trust the feeling of joy and expansion without expecting something to crush it?

~How do we trust the spirit and the wisdom bigger then our single self ? The mystery .


During the workshop we will be practicing allowing the fear and anxiety to dissolve and to move into a place of trust. We will explore the possibility of trusting that we won’t go off the road just because we cannot see around the bend. Opening to the possibility of trust that we will be able to see, understand and define our experiences as they unfold in the present.

We will use the 5Rhythms® to sink deeper into our bodies and hearts on the beautiful, rejuvenating land of Romania. We will spend the first day grounding ourselves in the body and the Waves level. Centering ourselves instead of floating away in our fantasies or being devoured by our thoughts.
This exploration of physical embodiment prepares us for the rest of the retreat where we will explore the emotions of the Heartbeat™ map: Fear that protects, Anger that defends, Sadness that releases, Joy that uplifts and Compassion that unites us.

We will be supported and nurtured by the wild, unspoiled nature of Romanian nature with close reach out to The Black Sea.

Refund Policy

 Price for the workshop, (without accommodation or food; food to be arranged):
220 Euro with very early bird by May 31st
240  Euro with early bird by July 31st
260  Euro after July 31st
Group discount available, if paying together:
- For 2 people paying together: 10% discount
- For 3+ people paying together: 15% discount

Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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