What’s the point of life? This life, my life..
To be happy?
To become all that I can be?
A big question.
What if the answer after all was not about me..?
If life is a gift, or even a blessing, then perhaps it comes with some responsibility?
To become useful, to help others, to be of service..
This weekend we’ll explore through the dance how we might more fully serve both the life that flows through us, and the life all around us. We’ll explore how we can do that without neglecting or exhausting ourselves. We’ll lose ourselves in the fullness of all that we have to offer. And perhaps we’ll discover the delicious, paradoxical truth that when we give our attention to something other than ourselves.. that actually makes us happy.
Sat 9th June 11am - 6pm. Sun 10th 11.30am - 5.30pm
St Hugh's, 55 Coach Road, Baildon BD17 5HS
Cost: £105 (£90 if booked by Apr 30th)
plus an open Friday evening: 8th June 7 - 10pm. £12 (£10 if booked with weekend)
To book: please send a non-refundable deposit of £50 (cheques payable to ‘A. Holmes’) to Judy Ballard, 27 Springhurst Road, Shipley BD18 3DN, or be in touch to arrange a bank transfer
Any questions: please call (07947) 168916 or e-mail judyballard@hotmail.co.uk
“The depth and simplicity of your teaching is stunning”