
5Rhythms Workshop

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Sanctuary: 5Rhythms Medicine Dance

Led by: Bettina Rothe
20 Sep 2024 - 22 Sep 2024
Location: Cate’s Hill Chapel , 661 Carter Road
Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada Show map
Organizer: Bettina Rothe

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 “In Sadhana - spiritual practice - layers upon layers of borrowed clothes are peeling off. In one sense you become more vulnerable, life touches you through layers of crumbling protections, revealing those aching places, along with an awesome edge of potential, and here, right in this crack, there is a vast transparency, breathing.

Come closer.

Closer to this tremor of life.

Hold yourself with kindness, right here.


Beauty appears when something is completely and absolutely and openly itself.”

~Deena Metzger

Often we seek sanctuary from the outside world. This is an invitation to seek sanctuary inside yourself: in your cathedral of skin and bones, in your body temple.

Coming home into our bodies can be challenging as certain parts might feel unaccessible, charged, frozen or vacant.

The 5Rhythms®, a moving meditation and spiritual practice, offers us gateways into our bodies and maps to our innermost being. Through movement and breath we will explore different pathways to coming into our wholeness and inhabit our bodies as a house of our spirit more fully.

Friday evening will focus on practices of embodiment and grounding, and foster connection to ourselves and others.

On Saturday an optional microdose of the plant ally Huachuma (San Pedro)** will support us to deepen our dance journey, open our hearts, and sharpen our awareness through our bodies and senses. The dance journey will get integrated with Dyad practices and heart-centred sharing.

We will offer an optional outdoor session to experience the beauty of Bowen Island through a silent nature walk on Sunday morning. When we come together for the afternoon, we will weave ourselves into greater alignment and balance with our paths that lie ahead through 5Rhythms® and Embodied Leadership practices.

Please join us in co-creating this sanctuary, a nourishing haven, a spa for body, mind and heart at the light filled Chapel on the scenic Bowen Island. It is a place where you can come home to yourself, find rest, nourishment and replenish in community.

If you would like to join this immersion, please email Bettina at bettina@bettinarothe.com to request an application package.

The group is limited to 30 participants. The immersion will be assisted by Danielle Pfaff (The 360 Emergence Teacher).

Tea and snacks will be provided in the breaks. Please take care of your own meals.

This is a non-residential program. If you need support in finding suitable accommodation on Bowen Island, please get in touch or check tourismbowenisland.com.


Huachuma, also known as San Pedro, is a psychoactive cactus native to the Andes Mountains in South America. It has been used for centuries by indigenous peoples in the region for its psychoactive and shamanic properties. Huachuma contains mescaline, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound, and is traditionally consumed in ceremonial rituals to facilitate spiritual insights, emotional healing, and personal growth. It is revered for its ability to induce altered states of consciousness, leading to heart opening, visual experiences and profound introspection, making it a powerful tool for self-discovery, healing, and connecting with the spiritual world.

Huachuma has been a powerful plant ally for Bettina for several years now and feels like the right choice for this deeper dive into the experience of Sanctuary.


Thank you to Dose Osmosis for supporting this event. Their Osmosis San Pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi) powder is sourced from a group of families that work in community to grow and harvest this medicine. These families plant these medicines on a small and medium scale as they are far and few from their environment. For this reason, the products they offer are grown in gardens, in small plots. They are organically grown with care near their natural regions. This also reduces wild harvesting, supporting the natural reserves of this sacred plant, something of utmost importance to us. For the above mentioned reasons Dose Osmosis consciously offers the medicine to ensure the continuity processes and to preserve the natural balance of the cactus.


We will offer prepared powdered capsules with doses btw. 500 mg and 2 g. We will assess the right dosing for you. You can choose to opt out, start with a low dose and add, or trust your intuition to feel into the right amount for your dance journey.

Bettina Rothe is passionate about bringing community together to co-create sacred space in which she invites conscious embodiment and heart centred intimacy. As a somatic coach and licensed 5Rhythms® dance teacher, she draws from a variety of healing movement arts, psychology, meditation, and shamanic practices. She is a trained Psychologist and Embodied Leadership Coach in private practice.

Bettina has been on the medicine path for 25 years. She is currently deepening her work through the addition of plant medicines into her offerings and has recently completed her training with ATMA for Psychedelic Assisted Therapy.

She teaches workshops internationally and lives in Vancouver, BC where she is part of a vibrant 5Rhythms® dance community.



Cate’s Hill Chapel

661 Carter Road

Bowen Island, BC


Friday: 7:00 – 9:30 PM

Saturday: 11:00 – 6:00 PM

Sunday: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (outdoors, optional)/ 1:30 – 6:00 PM



15% off for students, seniors & underemployed ($385)

A deposit of $150 is required to secure your spot in this immersion via e-transfer or PayPal (to bettina@bettinarothe.com).

Cancellation Policy:

Please note that all cancellations will incur a $50 administration fee. Cancellations after September 1st will receive a 50% refund. Refunds cannot be issued for cancellations after September 14th unless a replacement can be found.

Refund Policy


Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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