
5Rhythms Workshop

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SOUL .residencial.

Led by: Gina Espinosa
28 Jul 2024 - 2 Aug 2024
Girona, Catalunya, Spain Show map
Organizer: Natali Pinilla

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 “When your body surrenders to movement, your soul remembers its dance” GR

En el mapa de los 5R primero dedicamos tiempo a volver al cuerpo, a nuestra tierra, a nuestro hogar. Tiempo a encarnar de vuelta nuestros pies, nuestras caderas, soltar nuestra cabeza y reencontrar el lenguaje del cuerpo desde lo poético, simbólico y creativo. Al habitar el cuerpo, al recuperar ese lenguaje orgánico en nosotros, el flujo creativo, la fuerza vital nos toma y nos atraviesa. Es justamente el espacio para dejarnos llevar por nuestro corazón creativo, esa fuerza que puede moldear, expresar, crear y dar forma a lo que nos habita. El alma no vive atrapada en el cuerpo, el cuerpo es la vasija necesaria para que el alma tenga la experiencia y el instrumento para expresarse.

En este taller de una semana exploraremos en profundidad el mapa de los 5Ritmos (fluido, staccato, caos, lírico y quietud) y como en ellos podemos encontrar distintos lenguajes creativos para seguir expresándonos y conectando una y otra vez con la fuerza creativa que nos rodea. Gabrielle Roth decía “life is sacred, life is art, life is a sacred art” y así es, habitarnos nos devuelve y nos enchufa a lo sagrado de la vida. Mira alrededor, sea como sea, quien pensó, soñó, diseñó esto que llamamos realidad fue y es, sin duda, un artista, y así nosotros.

Contaremos con música en vivo de la mano de Marcelo Schnock y Rubén Segal, y un equipo bien arraigado a la práctica y la metodología de INBODY (creación en Danza-Teatro y Ritual, desarrollada por Gina Espinosa)

Así que te invito a este taller en un entorno precioso como es Mas Gircós (Besalú). Pista de baile con suelo de madera y con todo de bosque alrededor, piscina y zona boscosa para poder acampar, opción glamping o en la casa principal con habitaciones compartidas… ah! y la maravillosa piscina de agua salada. El precio incluye el taller de 5 días con Gina Espinosa, alojamiento y tres comidas diarias. 

Una semana de conexión, de compartir dentro y fuera de la danza, 

de alma, de espíritu, de sudar y sudar nuestros rezos. 

Te esperamos

Gina Espinosa y la TRIBU  


 “When your body surrenders to movement, your soul remembers its dance” GR

In the 5Rhythms map, we first dedicate time to returning to the body, our land, our home. Time to re-embody our feet, our hips, release our head, and rediscover the language of the body from a poetic, symbolic, and creative perspective. By inhabiting the body, by reclaiming this organic language within us. Then the creative flow, the life force takes us and moves through us. This is precisely the space to let ourselves be carried away by our creative heart, which can shape, express, create, and give form to what dwells within us. The soul is not trapped in the body; the body is the necessary vessel for the soul to have the experience and the instrument to express itself.

In this 5-day residential workshop, we will explore deeply the 5Rhythms map (flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness) and how within the map we can find different creative languages to continue expressing ourselves and reconnecting again and again with the creative life force that surrounds us. Gabrielle Roth said, "life is sacred, life is art, life is a sacred art," and so it is; inhabiting ourselves reconnects us to the sacredness of life. Look around, whatever it may be, whoever thought, dreamed, designed this “reality” was and is, undoubtedly, an artist, and so are we.

We will have live music by Marcelo Schnock and Rubén Segal and a team well-rooted in the 5R practice and methodology of INBODY (Dance-Theater and Ritual, developed by Gina Espinosa).

So, I invite you to this workshop in the beautiful paradise of Mas Gircós (Besalú). Dance space with wooden flooring and surrounded by nature, swimming pool, and wooded area for camping, glamping option or in the main house with shared rooms... oh! and the wonderful saltwater pool. The price includes the 5-day workshop with Gina Espinosa, accommodation, and three daily meals.

A week of connection, sharing inside and outside of dance,

of soul, of spirit, of sweating and sweating our prayers.

Gina Espinosa and the TRIBE


 This Waves workshop counts as a prerequisite for the Teacher Training as 5 days of Waves.

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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