
5Rhythms Workshop

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Led by: Lynne Adams
14 Apr 2017 - 15 Apr 2017
Location: Circuit-Est, 1881 rue St. André
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Show map
Organizer: Lynne Adams

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 After putting forth our intentions in the dark of winter, those seeds are springing to life. For centuries people have danced together to celebrate this time of death and rebirth. Through the map of 5Rhythms we'll reconnect to this season of possibilities to nourish new growth in ourselves and our lives.
Friday night will be a celebration of letting go and creating space for new growth. Saturday we'll move into the unfolding and expansion of our dreams, desires and projects: the seedlings in our hearts.

Friday night from 7pm to 9pm / Saturday from noon to 6pm
Full workshop: $85 / Friday night only: $20 / Saturday only: $75 
For information and registration:

C'est le temps de l'éclosion de nos intentions nées au creux de l'hiver. Depuis toujours les gens ont dansé ensemble pour célébrer cette saison de mort et de renouveau. Le 5Rythmes renoue nos liens aux possibilités de cette énergie d'éclosion et nous aide à
nourrir la croissance en nos vies.
Vendredi soir sera une célébration du lâcher-prise et la création d'un espace propice à la croissance. Samedi nous amène à l'évolution et l'expansion de nos rèves, désirs et projets: les semences en nos coeurs.

Vendredi de 19h à 21h / Samedi de midi à 18h
Atelier complet $85 / Vendredi soir: $20 / Samedi: $75 
Information et Inscription:



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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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