with Lorca Simons
Delivering one’s self back to the artistic nature of the body.
Sculpting spirit into shape,
Writing soul into story,
Dancing mind into the wind and tracing the heart home.
REFLECT: The beauty of our practice from a theatrical prospective is having the opportunity to reflect life, absorbing every morsel of its offerings and gifting it back to the dance over and over again.
RHYTHM: In living this practice as artists we embody the rhythms through every breath we take, through every offering we make. Each gesture an extension of our body, heart, mind, soul & spirit.
RITUAL: As artists we manifest change offering ourselves and our stories from that Live Wire place inside our creative centre.
REAL: Evoking a creative way of seeing and experiencing life from the artistic nature of the body.
ROOTS: The electric landscape of unpredictable possibility that lives and breathes inside our bones.
There is no place like home.
Join us in this poetic landscape as we come together to nourish ourselves and each other, creating an ensemble rooted in aliveness, returning to wonder and recharging possibility.
The 5Rhythms are an art form. Application and vision are one and the same from an artistic perspective, both evoking creative expansion which is at the root of our practice. The beauty of the 5Rhythms from a theatre perspective is, that we have the opportunity to mirror life, absorbing every morsel of its offerings and giving it all back to the dance over and over again.
In living this practice we embody all the rhythms through every breath we take, through every offering we make. Each gesture being an extension from our body, heart, mind, soul and spirit. A poetic landscape of offering. A free fall, a footfall, a live response to what is happening in us, around us and universally.
We as artists manifest change, offering ourselves and our stories from that deep live wire place inside each of us. A vulnerable electric landscape of unpredictable possibility that lives and breathes inside our bones helping others feel deeply, truthfully, with faith, humor, love and trust.
We invite a creative way of experiencing life from the artistic nature of the body.
With all my heart & soul,
REGISTER : https://dance.bemovedstudio.com/external_form?e=6839329&m=Buy+a+pass+for+Roots
Be Moved Studio is located in downtown Lawrence Kansas. There are many hotels, AirBNB's and restaurants all within walking distance.