
5Rhythms Workshop

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Prayer Ongoing Group

Led by: Andrew Holmes
2 Nov 2024
Location: Medway Centre, New Street, Bakewell DE45 1GT
Bakewell, United Kingdom Show map
Organizer: Katharine Cable

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This practice works on many levels.
It brings aliveness to our bodies, openness to our hearts, peace to our relationship with our minds..
It reminds us of the poetry of our own being, helps us connect more deeply with others, and so find community with our fellow dancers.
And in the end, beyond and beneath all these gifts, and at the heart of them all too, it’s a spiritual practice.

Each time we move, we align ourselves more nearly with the aliveness that animates all being.
In our attending to the present moment and following what’s ready to unfold, we connect more deeply to the fertile mystery that is the essence of all process.
And in the stillness at the core of our dance, we find a lasting taste of the fertile emptiness from which all things arise, and to which all things return.

There’s no dogma.
Just a direct personal experience of Spirit.
As our dance becomes prayer.

This Ongoing Group will meet six times over six weekends, beginning in November and ending in April 2025.

Each time we meet, we’ll dance the simplicity of the 5 Rhythms as a doorway to deepening our connection with Spirit. We’ll look within and beyond our own process to find the universal, the sacred and the sublime. We’ll explore the different ways in which we might enter this space together. And we’ll rest in the natural ordinariness of moving in conversation with something bigger than ourselves.

Dancing at a deep level through the year with the same group of companions is both powerful and healing. There is space for trust and friendship to grow, and challenge to be real and true. We will have time for words to share our process, for witnessing, and for individual support; and lots and lots of time to dance.

Between meetings there will be space to integrate and practice what we find, as we ground the experience we have back in our daily lives.

Six months of dance, inspiration, friendship, and support ~ a space to refresh our deepest selves, with kindness, discipline, and joy!


Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd November
Sat 30th November & Sun 1st December
Sat 4th & Sun 5th January
Sat 15th & Sun 16th February
Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd March
Sat 26th & Sun 27th April

The Medway Centre, Bakewell, Derbyshire
Saturdays 11am - Sundays 6pm
We need you to commit to be with us for all six weekends

Cost:  £625  (£575 low income,  £525 unwaged)
There is a £50 reduction, if you book by July 31st

Payment:  In three equal instalments - payable at the time of booking, on Nov 1st, and on Jan 3rd    (The first payment is a non-refundable deposit.)

To apply:  Please call Katharine on  07961 565642  or e-mail  katharine@katharinecable.co.uk

This group is for experienced 5 Rhythms dancers.
We would usually expect you to have danced with Andrew recently before applying.
Please speak to us if you’re unsure whether it’s right for you.

“I love the powerful, safe, wise container you create. I have gone the deepest into the dance that I have ever been.”

“Your subtle, soulful precision gently facilitates spiritual awareness, understanding and transformation.”

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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