Het is een ganse eer Erik te kunnen uitnodigen naar Brugge met zijn jarenlange ervaring, kennis en wijsheid binnen de 5 ritmes wereld. Erik maakt momenteel deel uit van de 5 ritmes teachersopleiding waarvoor 80 teachers in training geselecteerd werden van over de ganse wereld. Hartelijk welkom!
Playful Presence
A 5Rhythms Waves Movement Meditation
“The heart of healing lies in the ability to listen, to perceive and to turn up the volume to our full body intelligence”
Nurturing a pathway to sensualizing our feet and their relationships to our other bodyparts creates the context for presence. Befriending our breathing and gravity enlivens our experience of moving. Noticing this sixth sense facilitates balance and focuses our ability to be present.
My commitment to the participants of the workshops I lead promises to catalyze and inspire them to integrate the playful and pleasurable sense of their body intelligence on the dance floor and in daily life.
In life, and in dance, there is the opportunity to loosen effort and magnify ease. We can identify movement patterns then ignite new ones. This creative expansion of new ways of moving defines play. Play is fertilizer for brain plasticity, Are you willing to express with full body intelligence within the group resonance of a 5Rhythms authentic and open movement space? Join us in illuminating and welcoming a fresh and deep relationship to yourself, to your bones, to your flesh and to your fascia.