Peaces of You (Autumn Term)
Ongoing closed group that started in 2014. Quite simply there’s a passion and depth in dance that reconnects us, piece by piece into the mystery of living. This is reflected in moments of true knowing, inspiration and peace. Using the 5Rhythms dynamic movement practice my intention for this ongoing group is to support the development of your own dance practice in the caring embrace that a closed group provides and to extend what we find into our everyday lives. The last 5 Friday sessions of this Autumn term we will be dancing into the Heartbeat map of the practice with all the softness and kindness we can muster.
We’ll come together on a series of six Friday evenings (7pm to 10pm) and one Saturday daytime (Noon to 6pm) over the course of several months. This will form a term. Dancers are asked to commit to a minimum of two terms. There are three terms each year. The price per term is £160 / 130 Concessions. For details of all term dates and further general info visit
In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.