
5Rhythms Workshop

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Nourished in Wilderness, Restored by Stillness

Led by: Neda Nenadic
6 Jun 2025 - 11 Jun 2025
Location: Glamping Trsorka , Obrada Hrgovica 37, 51551 Veli Losinj
Zadar, Croatia Show map
Organizer: Neda Nenadic

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“The rhythms take us back to that primordial soup, 

so that we can begin again, 

fresh and fertile, high on our own existence.” 

Gabrielle Roth

It has been my dream to offer 5Rhythms retreat, dedicated to rest, renewal 

and a deep connection with ourselves and nature.

A few years back, I have fallen in love with this extraordinary island of Mali Losinj, Croatia, known as the “Island of Vitality” and realised this is one the most beautuful places on in my motherland. 

This is dream coming true and im so excited to share this jem with you.

Through the transformative practice of 5 Rhythms, we will immerse ourselfs

daily to the maps of surrender connection and self discovery. 

This practice gives us possibility to embrace life in its fullness from the wild release in chaos to the profound depth of stillness.

I have witnessed pristine, natural beauty in  each and every one of us when we sincerely surrender to our soul dance.

The unspoiled beauty of Mali Losinj will enrich our experience to let go,

 rest deeply, reconnect with the sacred wilderness within and around us.

Mali Losinj is celebrated for its unique healing properties. 

It’s air is  infused with with essential oils from over 1200 pound species, 

creating a natural aromatherapy that promotes health and vitality. 

Historically recognized as a health resort in the 19th century.

Mali Losinj continues to be a sanctuary of wellness, offering perfect blend of nature, tranquility, rest and rejuvenation.


 What to expect on this retreat:

1. Morning and evening 5Rhythm sessions;

experiencing Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, and Stillness, 

embracing movement as a practice of surrender transformation.

2. Ceremonies and earth altars:

we will begin with opening ceremony to set intentions,

create personal earth  altar as point of prayer, solitude.

We will  conclude with the closing ceremony on our last day, 

 to honour our shared experience.

3. Time for solitude and rest:

Each day there will be enough time  to explore the nature, 

to swim in the crystal clear sea,  sunbade, hike, have a nap, journal,

or simply rest in the stunning privacy of this beautiful island.

4. Shared nourishment:

one communal meal  is included, we will share it together each afternoon as community.

5. As  Mary Oliver beautifully put it  "leave some room for magic"

Evening under the stars.

We will gather under the extraordinary vastness of the night sky, 

connecting with the infinite rhythms of life with and around us.

Let the mystery speak to us the loudest in its vastness of infinity.

This evokes core soul belonging on a visceral level.





This retreat is for anyone, seeking a deep reconnection with themselves, 

the natural world, and the wisdom of silence, 

whether you are new to 5Rhythms or an experience dancer, 

this retreat will offer a safe, supportive space to explore movement, rest, reset our nervous system and nourish ourselves to the core of our being.


Glamping Trasorka, Obrada Hrgovica 37, 51551 Veli Losinj, Croatia

Dates 6th June 2025 - 11th June 2025

(chec-in afternoon on Friday, 

check out midday on Wednesday).


Single room with double bed: £680

Shared Room 2 beds in a room: £580

Sofa bed £480

Spaces are limited .

Early registration is recomended.

Refund Policy

£100 of the deposit is non refundable.

In case of personal challenges, or challenges with things beyond our control, 

the mutual agreement will be made about refund.

This will be agreed  on the individual basis.

Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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