Dance and stories connect you with the most powerful core of your being.
When listening to a fairytale we can often discover that they are a reflection of our own lives. In this workshop we will, through stories and dance increase the awareness of tension from our life stories in our bodies. We will come to see our life from a different perspective, with acceptance and self compassion.
And we will search for the key to open the chest of treasures that resides inside each one of us.
Over the weekend, we shift from stories to dance and back to dance from stories. We discover magical stories within, beyond stories we tell ourselves in our head. The stories that our body holds, will then be danced and transformed.
This is a journey of discovery that leads you to your own rich source of imagination and inner wisdom.
Sigurborg Kr. Hannesdottir is an accredited 5Rhythms teacher, yoga teacher and storyteller. Throughout life she has been drawn to what we can call the language of the soul, including dance and storytelling as a healing art.
Ivanir Sibylla Hasson has been working with myths, legends and fairy tales for more than 30 years, through the production of various plays and performances, mostly for children.
Since 2005, she has worked with the world´s leading storytellers and therapists in Storytelling as a Healing Art. She has been holding workshops with Healing and Reconnective Storytelling all over Europe.