How does a human turn into a dancing butterfly?
You can personally answer this question through the 5Rhythms movement practice. Discover the Rhythms of Flowing Staccato Chaos Lyrical & Stillness.
Ever feel that your life is on repeat mode? Are you awakening your true potential at the rate of a slow moving caterpillar? Do you have goals, dreams and plans that never get realized because you are stuck in self-sabotaging patterns?
In this 5Rhythms movement workshop, we will explore our habit structure and move through some of our challenging patterns by replacing them with positive habits that propel us towards making a personal metamorphosis.
When negative stories are explored through the lens of the 5Rhythms, there is an accelerated process of awareness, surrender and release that allows us to dance into the person we know that we can be: powerful, confident, creative, loving, disciplined and focused!
All habits can change. The power is within you. It just requires a bit of personal effort and commitment.
This life-transforming practice is suitable for all ages and all levels of physical fitness. It will also support whatever practice you are exploring now, or offer a strong start to self-exploration. No previous experience is necessary.
A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.