Meeting The Moment
Meeting the Moment
A 5Rhythms Relational Weekend Workshop.
Join the dance exploring the rich terrain of these rhythms and our relationship to self & other. Meeting each presenced moment in movement and exploring the maps of Gabrielle Roth: The landscape of our ground, expression of our heart, connection in our surrender, liberation in our letting go & spaciousness within. Explore the textures of relationship to each other in each of these endlessly fascinating maps while becoming your fully embodied self and finding home. Dancers are welcomed in this Heartbeat level workshop. For every kind of experience, there are riches here.
What keeps us from truly seeing each other and being seen? What allows us over and again to fall into perennial patterns in relationship that separate us and can keep real intimacy elusive. How can we reclaim the truth we are? The heartbeat work is an engaging process of fluid connection to self; a meeting in ourselves with what has isolated us from our authenticity and an opportunity to reclaim the spirit we had as a birthright. From this place we may meet one another; clear eyed and heart opened. Gently and yet dynamically liberating our lives and partnerships. This weekend is a valuable resource for those in relationship and those seeking relationship.
Jo Cobbett has been leading classes and workshops
in Los Angeles and around the world for 20 years.
Following her passion for movement, she excels in
catalyzing community and creativity.
More info regarding Jo Cobbett's global dance events go to
In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.