Maps hold all the information that is required to lead us to where we want to go. What is your destination?
In times of turmoil and change Somatic Meditation can assist you in navigating your way out of resistance and into ecstasy.
Through Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms movement practice and Mindfulness meditation, one may build a skill set that supports balance, ease and joy.
If you have been looking to increase appreciation, gratitude and happiness, then now is a perfect time to celebrate being alive.
There is a science to achieving ecstatic states and this is the mastery I come to share. This workshop is designed for all who want to join in
expanding the possibility of entering altered states in a natural way.
"I want to take you to a place of pure magic... It's the place athletes call the 'zone', Buddhists call 'satori' and ravers call 'trance'. I call it
the Silver Desert. It's a place of pure light that holds the dark within it. It's a place of pure rhythm.” Gabrielle Roth
All workshop hours contribute to 5Rhythms® teacher training prerequisites. This workshop is designed for everyone, of every age, and shape.
Fri 16 May, 7pm - 9.30pm (arrive 6.40pm for a 7pm start)
Sat 17 May, 11am - 6pm
Sun 18 May, 11am - 5pm
Information and bookings:
Sue Andersen // // 0427863486
Booking link:
Where: Balmain Town Hall, 370 Darling Street Balmain
**NB this is a full immersion and there will be no open dance on Friday. This is deep transformative work and there is a need to create a strong container and begin the work altogether.
$360 Round 1
$380 Round 2
$400 Round 3
$420 Round 4
$435 Regular with scholarship donation
**Please also be in contact with Sue if you are committed to coming but don't have the $s right now and might need a payment plan.
Health and safety:
We want you, Lucia, producer, crew and the workshop participants to feel as safe as possible during the weekend together. Please support the workshop community by not attending the workshop if you have any signs of cold, flu, covid or any other contagious health issues or if you have been in regular close contact with someone who has.
Please notify Sue if you have any mental health concerns.