Monterrey, Mexico
Libertad en Movimiento (Freedom in Movement)
a 5Rhythms® Movement Meditation Workshop
“Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul’s weather to all who can read it.” Martha Graham
Through movement we find our authentic self, the one that we keep tucked away and hidden, afraid that we may be seen as too much or not enough. Through the 5Rhythms movement meditation map we find the freedom within, gifting ourselves with permission to express ourselves exactly as we are in each moment. Peeling away the layers to discover our truth, our voice, our unique expression.
Conscious movement becomes a body prayer, connecting us to the divine within, breaking through our limitations. In the dance I free my body to speak my truth, embrace my power, connect with my intuition and create abundance in my life. In this workshop we will utilize the 5Rhythms map to tap into ways we can harness the sense of freedom and choice both on and off the dance floor. Do you find yourself wanting to please others, giving your precious time and energy away? Feel guilty when you say no? Depleted? Have little time for yourself because you are too busy caring for others? If so this workshop is for you. Find freedom to say YES to yourself!
For Registration and Information Contact,
Amparo Treviño +(81) 8161 0633
Eugenia Belden + (81)15886040
Work Exchange Scholarships available, reach out and begin saying Yes to yourself!
Celebrate! Academia De Danza
Anillo Periférico 535 Colonia San Jemo
Monterrey N.L. México C. P. 64630
Friday night open to all: 6-9pm
Sat. 11-2, 4-7
Sunday 10-1, 2-4
2600 Pesos if paid in full by Feb. 15th
3500 after Feb. 15
Reach out for work exchange scholarships
Christina Graham-Smith, California
Conscious awareness and authentic communication on all levels is a key aspect of Christina’s offerings as a 5Rhythms teacher and Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist. She navigates the dancer to the edge, dancing into the unknown while being held in a loving container to explore all that arises. She teaches classes in San Diego, Mexico and international workshops.
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