“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.”
I have so much faith in right timing - over the years of doing my movement practice, of embodying myself, I see and feel a softening, an ease, a listening for when I am ready to move forward or walk away from an idea, a project, a conversation, a situation. Earlier on in my journey I would default to pushing, forcing, being polite, and living up to others expectations. I would bypass what “felt right” in my body and not follow my own inner voice, my own wise counsel. Now I listen. To my instincts, to my intuition.
Attending to our instincts and our intuition takes skill and practice. There is so much benefit in knowing what this voice in our body feels like, how it communicates, and how to listen when it alerts loudly or when it is just whispering. This practice of learning to listen to our own body intelligence can save us from danger, can move us towards opportunities and can assist us in creating freedom, possibilities and transformation.
In this WAVES level workshop, using 5Rhythms movement as our map, we will explore the world below our thinking mind to listen for the mystery, the spirit, and the simple and clear deep wisdom within us. You will be shown skills and techniques to take home and apply to your daily life. This workshop is for anyone who would like learn how to listen to their own inner knowing, wisdom, clarity and inspiration.
Friday March 29 – 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Saturday March 30 – 11:00am to 5:00pm
Sunday March 31 – 11:00pm to 4:00pm
$265 CAD / $245 CAD if registered and paid in full by February 15, 2019
Rhondda Snary/ rhondda.snary@gmail.com /416-699-9613 /5rhythmstoronto.com
**Anne Marie Hogya is an accredited 5RTA teacher and this Waves level workshop will qualify as 2.5 days 5Rhythms Teacher Training Path hours.