What do I want to let go of? And what would I like to welcome in?
We will explore these questions in many ways throughout the day. Through movement, words, witnessing, dance, and a simple ritual to honour and celebrate the coming of the light. The 5Rhythms of flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness will be our guide and muse for this day. Into the light is a one-day workshop, however you are most welcome to join the class the night before as preparation and a warm-up to your dancing journey.
Date: Saturday 23 March from 11:00 -6:00 pm.
Please arrive with plenty of time to register, and getting dressed and warmup up. Music will be playing from 10:45.
Venue: The Refectory, Easebourne Priory, Midhurst, GU29 0AJ
Full price £60 - Include Friday £66
Early bird £50 (pay before 22nd February)- Include Friday £56
Concession £45 (early bird concession £40) – Include Friday £40/45
Concessions are for unwaged, low household income, pensioners. If finances are an issue, please come talk to us. Crew positions are available.
For bookings, contact Catherine: catherine@theredfrog.co.uk (preferable) or 07747100791