As small children we live in the moment ~ feelings come and go all the time, everything changes in a heartbeat, and the world is full of curiosity and surprise.
Then we grow up. We learn from our experience, and we become more careful ~ we try to protect our hearts from getting hurt, and manage who and how we love.
All very sensible
~ But not so joyful or alive.
It’s time to re-choose innocence ~ to let our hearts open again in spontaneous freedom, and become more childlike in the way we meet another and the world. Not in denial of the heartbreak that awaits us, but willing to let all feelings come and go ~ as we learn to move more simply through the changing landscape of our hearts.
Zeit: Fr 30. Okt.: 19.00 - 22.00 Uhr, Sa 31.: 10.30 - 18.00 Uhr,
So 1. Nov: 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Ort: ZeB Zentrum für Bewegung, Bahnhofstrasse 24, 8800 Thalwil
Kosten: Fr. 340.- (Frühbucher - Fr. 290.-, bis 30. Sep.)
Fr. 40.- Nur Freitagabend
Anmeldung: Gabriella Johanns - tel. 079 235 98 25
Dies ist ein Workshop für erfahrene 5-Rhythmen-TänzerInnen. Bitte nimm Kontakt mit uns auf, wenn du nicht sicher bist, ob das auf dich zutrifft.
“How lovely it is to be in your wise, safe, healing presence.
The depth and simplicity of your teaching is stunning”