This compelling week is a deep dive into our mindful embodiment with
dance, theater games, wordplay and visual creativity. Daily sessions
explore our connections from self & center to others; and how
we meet our emotional beings, our tender selves, and our playful resiliency.
Through guided processes and interactions find depths of connection to
your source, as we co-create a resonant collaborative heart field,
helping you discover, meet and transform personal impasses, and engage
with your inner wisdom. There is growth and integration in the time shared.
Held in a beautiful open pavilion overlooking the azure waters of the
Gulf of Thailand Nature is a restorative teacher in our retreat.
Enhance your movement palette in the lush tropical beauty of flowering trees on our nestled beach with the sense of the vital earth all around us.
We will have sessions in nature to meet, express and listen ….
This 5Rhythms® accredited workshop will engage your creative soul on the consciously created grounds of Vikasa, where healthy vibrant meals are prepared for us daily. Optional yoga classes & massages are available.
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Pre-Registration Required
In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.