A temple? An adventure playground? A burden? A delight? Probably all of these and more. For many of us it has also been a crime scene. Thankfully the body is also a miraculous medicine bag. It has evolved to heal. It can heal torn flesh, it can heal wounded hearts and it can heal wounded minds.
Many people who have experienced abuse have discovered the healing power of movement. Yoga, running, walking, dance . . . anything that gets our bodies movement can free us to heal in our own way and at our own pace.
Who is it for?
Anyone who has experienced abuse and has already taken steps in their own healing. This isn't therapy and we won't be sharing our stories. It isn't suitable if you are in the first stages of addressing your experience of abuse. Get in touch if you are unsure. You are also welcome to bring a friend on the understanding that everyone present is there to take part – no observers thanks.
For more information, sign up to the Healing in Motion mailing list: http://eepurl.com/dirIZn